"I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

E.B. White

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sunshine Saturdays

I have always felt that there were few things in life more wonderful than sunshine on a Saturday.  That feeling may be the reason we bought a lake house!  However this Saturday is special.  I have checked the weather all week preparing for THIS sunshine Saturday.  Today I am determined to take my first swim in the lake of 2011.  Chris and I were able to keep swimming all the way thru the end of October, and I have my mind made up that March 1 will not arrive without me being back in the water. 

My mind is so set in this endeavor that I have been training (you know, like a real athlete).  Last weekend I spent time in the water knee deep.  Wednesday evening the dogs and I splashed around with the water to my waste.  All the while Chris sat on his rock by the water, laughing at my hairbrained idea, and developing his "newest" plan to remove trees from the lake. 

This morning I woke up early to get Chris and the girls off to Rowena, then I decided that to truly prepare for my afternoon challenge I would need to size up my opponent.  So I grabbed my mug of hot chocolate and I headed to the hot tub to do just that!  The lake was beautiful this morning, and with warmer weather comes the return of lake lovers like myself.  Fishing boats were zooming back and forth across the water (although I have never understood why exactly fishermen feel the need to ZOOM anywhere).  Weekend warriors were in full force.  I could hear someone running a saw around the bend and a tractor on the hill.  The birds were chirping, my flowers were blooming...I was losing focus!

I gathered my thoughts (and my flip-flops), and here I am.  So this afternoon, as you enjoy the sunshine, think of me and my alligator floaty facing off against our formidable opponent, the lake I love!

Happy Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. You are crazy. Take a picture for me and don't float away!!!
