I am pretty sure it is not a good thing when the two college students who office around me come back from their Special Education class every few weeks ready to diagnose me with something new! They've given me their test for ADD and ADHD. (I still think they should have graded on a curve). They have on occasion accused me of having Tourette's and Brittany is sure I have some kind of hearing disorder. I'm pretty sure she calls it "selective". There is probably at least a little truth to all of the aforementioned disorders, but the last one they diagnosed me with really hurt... LOUDNESS DISORDER. Seriously, girls?!?! Me, loud?
In the days and weeks since this conversation I have really been in tune with the volume of my voice and others. Here are my conclusions:
* Loud people are drawn to loud people. Noticing this among a group of friends the other day, I boldly stated that loud people have many exceptional qualities. One of my friends quickly responded, "No, loud people are just loud." You can imagine her disappointment when I had to tell her that I considered her part of my LOUD inner circle. This led me to my second conclusion:
* Most loud people don't realize they are loud. In fact, the person making my diagnosis is one of the loudest people I have ever met (but I love her anyway)!
* Loud people often breed more loud people. I am pretty sure my cousin Penny and I proved that with Cambrey and Brooklyn!
* Loud people save money on PA systems. Phil, you can thank me later.
* Speaking louder does not help non-English speakers understand you. That's just a freebie piece of advice that I learned the hard way.
* Most loud talkers should NOT be loud singers. Anyone who has ever sat on the pew in front of Paw Paw, Mamaw and I on Sunday say AMEN!
So friends, loud and quiet alike, whatever your "disorder" go out there and own it. Love fully, smile big and LIVE OUT LOUD!